It is a cross between a lion and a tiger | This giant "cat" is one of the largest in the world

Those who love cats will be happy to know that there are some very particular specimens, with dimensions that are definitely out of the ordinary.
In truth, it is not correct to speak properly of cats, since they are more generally called felines.
In this article, we want to introduce you to the "largest feline in the world"— Apollo, a cross between a lion and a tiger. The majestic feline is five years old and weighs about 770 lb (350 kg)!
His fame started to grow after he appeared in a video while walking with his keepers Kody Antle and Mike Holston at Myrtle Beach Safari, a wildlife and safari park in Socastee, South Carolina.

The gigantic "big cat" is not the only one in existence, but it is certainly among the largest felines in the world.
Its appearance is so impressive that it is compared to that of the mythical saber-toothed tiger, extinct for about 10-12 thousand years.
Since is a cross between a tiger and a lion and has therefore been renamed "liger".
It will be difficult for the "liger" to become an officially recognized species, mainly because lions and tigers live separately in nature. In fact, the only "liger" specimens known in the world have been bred in captivity.
Apollo became an Internet star after his keepers, Mike Holston and Kody Antle, posted a video on Instagram showing the huge feline walking with Kody Antle.
They both work to preserve wildlife and their video has reached around 1.1 million users. An amazing result, which has given a lot of visibility to this curious species that previously was almost completely unknown.
And how about you? Would you have the courage to caress Apollo?